
Enjoying the Easter sunshine – Living Arrows 16/52

We had a slightly more relaxed second week of the Easter holidays last week as we were all recovering from our busy trip to Warwick. We had a quiet day at home on Monday. E went to a friends house for a sleepover so M and I had a chilled afternoon at home. We did have to pop out to do some grocery shopping and it always amazes me how much easier it is when you only have one child – there’s no bickering!

We were supposed to meet some friends in our local park on Tuesday but E returned home from his sleepover a little grumpy (I don’t think he got much sleep!) so I thought it was best we had another day pottering around at home.

On Wednesday I took the boys to Chessington, it’s only a 10-minute drive from where we live. Being a sunny day and the Easter holidays it was busy but we still managed to go on some rides and had a lovely day out in the sun.


Thursday, we went to one of our local garden centres to have Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. We reviewed this experience a few years ago so it was nice to go back and try it out again now M is older. We spent the whole morning there and it was such good value. I paid £10.95 for them both to have breakfast, decorate a chocolate bunny and they also came away with a little goody bag that had a soft toy in it too.


The rest of the week was spent tidying up our garden and the boys were happily playing football and having water gun fights. Easter Sunday was definitely a little different this year as we went to our first barbecue of the year!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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