
Easter holidays – Living Arrows 15/52

Although we’re currently under lockdown, the Easter holidays was still very welcome by the boys. They enjoyed having no homeschool and have spent a lot of their time playing outdoors.

We set the boys some gardening tasks to do during the week, we have so many plans for our garden but they are all on hold at the moment!

The weather was glorious over the Easter weekend. We had our first barbecue, swiftly followed by an Easter Sunday roast dinner!

boys-gardening2 The boys have been raising butterflies over the last couple of weeks, and we finally set them free over the weekend. M’s class all sent videos of each other saying Happy Easter in our class WhatsApp group which I collated into one video. He loved seeing all his friends.

As it was so warm out, I dug out an old vintage tent that we were given which the boys used as a base to play games with. They also played with some new chalk pens that arrived in the post and created their own tank board game on our garden table.


Monday, was our 11th wedding anniversary and of course, we had no plans ut we did decide to order takeout so that neither of us had to cook.


Although it’s been a very different Easter to what we’re used to I think the boys still had lots of fun and were happy that the Easter bunny still managed to pay them a visit and treat them to lots of chocolate.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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