
Easter & Garden fun – Living Arrows 14/53

We have had such a lovely Easter weekend. No real plans set in stone and a chance just to relax and spend with each other. Good Friday we popped into Kingston as we had to buy the boys new school shoes ready for the Summer term. We then went to see George’s Marvellous Medicine as The Rose Theatre and we absolutely loved it. It was so entertaining and funny – the perfect start to the long weekend. If you’re local to Kingston, I would highly recommend a visit.

Easter Sunday, we had two super excited boys eager to see if the Easter Bunny had been. You’ll see they did well with their huge stash of chocolate!


As the weather with dry, they spent the best part of the afternoon playing football in the garden whilst I was cooking our roast.


I’m off work this week to spend some time with them and have some days out planned to get them out and about. Can the dry weather please stay a little longer?

I hope you all had a lovely Easter, whatever you got up to!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

2 thoughts on “Easter & Garden fun – Living Arrows 14/53”

  1. I have never been to the Rose Theatre but it always sounds like such a great venue. So glad you had such a nice time and a lovely Easter x

  2. Mummy's Monkey

    Looks like a great Easter weekend. We saw George’s Marvellous Medicine when it was in Manchester and loved it. #livingarrows

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