
Camp, Heatwave and Covent Garden – Living Arrows 30/52

The first week of the summer holidays was just a little hot, wasn’t it? I didn’t have the luxury of air-con on Thursday as I work from home so it was a matter of trying to stay cool with fans but even they weren’t cutting it!

The boys spent the first half of the week having slow mornings in their PJs and generally just chilling out at home and playing in the garden. They went to a summer camp which we are reviewing on Thursday and from the sounds of all the activities they did, they had a whale of a time.

boys at Barracudas Activity Day Camp

Friday, we went into London as we were given some spending money and tasked with exploring Covent Garden for the day to see what sort of things it has to entertain kids. Thankfully the weather had cooled down a lot compared to Thursday and we had a lovely having a wander. We then met Mr H after work and had dinner together.



I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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