
African Mask making and Little Garden – Living Arrows 14/52

Our second week of homeschool followed much the same pattern as the first week but seemed to flow a little better with everyone getting into the swing of the new routine.

E has been using his Kano to access Google Classroom so he can work through what has been assigned to him. We are looking into possibly getting him a Chromebook to use instead which will be quicker and easier to access and use as the Kano is a little clunky.

We’ve tried to break up the school lessons with some other activities too. This week, I sent them out to do a little outdoor activity by finding certain things in a garden and checking off a list. I put together some makeshift clipboards and off they went with their worksheet.



M worked on making an African Mask – I am so glad I kept back lots of used packaging and cardboard as its come in handy for their Arts & Craft projects at the moment. The boys looked forward to the end of the week as it meant it was the start of the Easter holidays. They did their daily Joe Wicks workout which was supposed to be “dress up Friday” but E somehow misheard this for “Fat Friday” so they both did the workout with cuddly toys stuffed up their t-shirts which they thought was hilarious!



We celebrated the end of the second week of homeschool and the end of term with a takeaway curry – our first since lockdown so it felt like a real treat. We spent the weekend playing a new Maths board game that the boys got for Christmas and we finally got around to planting their Little Shop seedlings.

Although it will be spent at home, the boys are looking forward to the Easter break as it means no homeschool. I have to say I am also looking forward to a more relaxed couple of weeks too and I hear the sun will also be making an appearance which is all we can hope for right now!

I hope you all have a lovely Easter indoors staying safe.


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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