
End of homeschool, Winkworth Aboretum & Afternoon Tea – Living Arrows 29/52

I’m so pleased to report that homeschool has officially closed for the summer! Hopefully, it won’t have to reopen again. The boys have worked so hard throughout and have done amazingly well. I have exercise books full of all their homeschool learning and there are literally piles of them.

M also had his last day of Year 2 on Friday, it was sad to say goodbye to his teacher but we’re grateful that he could go in one day a week for the last four weeks. He’s grown so much over the school year and has come on leaps and bounds with his reading and writing. I can’t believe he will be in Juniors from September!


To celebrate the end of term, I made up a little goody bag with a book each along with Uno and a “How to draw Tanks” book for them both.

As it was announced that face coverings need to be worn when entering shops, I ordered some masks for the boys which arrived on Friday. I know its not compulsory for children under the age of 11 to wear them but I figured it made sense to have them just in case and is good practice for the boys to get used to.


On Saturday, we met up with some friends and went to Winkworth Arboretum. The sun was out which made a nice change to our last National Trust meetup.




We had our first venture into a hotel on Sunday as we were celebrating Mr H’s nans 90th birthday with Afternoon Tea. It was very organised and we were made to feel at ease. We had our own private room with four tables for each of the families to sit at and there was hand sanitizer available as you entered the hotel.

I’m so pleased that the summer holidays are just around the corner. The boys can relax and have a well-earned break from school and I can sign off on homeschooling duties – phew!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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