
School’s Out for Summer – Living Arrows 29/52

It was a busy run-up to the end of the school year last week. The boys had their summer concert on Wednesday and broke up for the summer on Friday. It’s official – school’s out for summer! We usually end the year with a trip to the park with all the kids and parents from their classes but the great British weather had other plans and it was too wet to go so we postponed for another day.


We went into London on both Saturday and Sunday. We were invited to review an immersive dining experience on Saturday that was top secret – so top-secret in fact that we didn’t know the exact location until that morning. I won’t say too much as I’ll be writing up a review on it shortly but we had lots of fun trying out something so quirky.

At the entrance of the “top-secret” immersive dining location

On Sunday, we went to the new Troubadour Theatre at Wembley Park to review Dinosaur World Live. E was obsessed with dinosaurs when he was younger and surprisingly still remembers a lot of the different types. The show was interactive, inviting members of the audience up to the stage and there was lots of audience participation which M really enjoyed.


They’re at home this week with a mix of Mr H, my mother-in-law and a friend looking after them and I am off work next week and I’m looking forward to some more fun days out with them both. It is what holidays are all about after all, spending quality time with your family.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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