
Enjoying the last of the summer holidays – Living Arrows 36/52

We’ve had a busy week this week! It was my second week off work so I wanted to do lots of fun things with the boys. It’s been such an odd year so far, so I wanted to make the most of the last of the summer holidays.

I treated the boys to a full English breakfast at our local Squires on Tuesday. I met up with a friend and it was so nice to catch up.

We went to Godstone Farm on Wednesday, the boys always have so much fun when we visit there. They have a huge play area with swings, a sandpit and lots of open space to run around.


As there was no holiday this year due to COVID, I made Mr H take Thursday and Friday off so we could do something fun as a family. I booked tickets to Whipsnade Zoo for Thursday. We were so surprised by the size of the place, we hardly saw any other visitors making it super easy to social distance. We walked miles around the place but it was so worth it.


Friday we went back to visit one of our favourite places – Brooklands Museum. Mr H had never been before so the boys showed him around their favourite parts. It’s changed slightly to adhere to government guidelines but it didn’t stop us enjoying the day!


I can’t believe the boys will be going back to school next week after 6 months off. They are both really looking forward to it – I am too!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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