Last Friday of Summer – Living Arrows 36/53
This weeks’ Living Arrow photos were taken on the boy’s last Friday of the summer holidays. I asked them where they fancied going as their last day out and they decided on Bushy Park. E had a friend over in the morning so they all had a play whilst I caught up on chores around the house.

We got to Bushy Park at lunchtime and grabbed a bite to eat before heading into the park so the boys’ could have a scoot around and play football. E found a stone that had been left, we’re very late the party with this game as we only heard about it the week before when we were visiting friends. The boys decided to re-hide it in the park for someone else to find and I promised we would find some time to paint some of our own to leave around too.
After playing in the park for a few hours we met up with E’s friends mum at their local gym where they all had a play in the pool and we ended the day with a meal out at Pizza Express. As last Fridays of Summers go, I think they had a great day.
The boys are back to school tomorrow and whilst I’m a little sad that another summer is over, they are more than ready for the new school year and the fun that will bring. M has already started talking about Halloween and Christmas!
I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran
1 thought on “Last Friday of Summer – Living Arrows 36/53”
It sounds like you had such a nice end to the summer – and I hope the first week back at school hasn’t been too hard x