
Haircuts, Monopoly and seeing friends – Living Arrows 34/52

During lockdown, I’ve had to learn how to cut the boys hair. This week, we finally went to the hairdressers to have E’s cut by a professional. Whilst I didn’t do too bad a job it took me a lot longer to cut his hair and let’s just say, he wasn’t the most patient.

The boy have been obsessed with Monopoly this week, we played over the weekend and they have continued playing during the week while Mr H and I have been working.

Friday, I took the boys to Wisley. We’ve not been for a while and it was nice to get out and about. As with most things, you have to prebook ahead and you never know what the weather will be like. Thankfully, other than a bit of rain the weather was warm and dry!


Saturday, we had friends over as we have been continuing to meet up every other week and visit a National Trust place. This time, we headed over Polesden Lacey and we went on a huge walk, where, at one point we were convinced we were walking back in the wrong direction!


The summer seems to be flying by now – only a few more weeks until the boys will be back at school!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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