Home School Life – Living Arrows 13/52

After the boy’s last day at school last week we spent the weekend prepping them for homeschool so that they would know what to expect. E helped me draw up a rough timetable and we reiterated that although they would be at home, they would still need to do their learning in “school hours”

I was a little anxious about how the week would go. Both Mr H and I are working from home as well as attempting to homeschool so for us, it was really important to have some kind of set routine to go by.nI have to say, overall it has gone well so far. The boys have been amazing at getting on with their learning and have really embraced homeschooling. We’ve had a few minor niggles with them not wanting to do certain pieces of work but certainly nothing major.


School have set them work to be getting on with each day which I have tried to get them working on first thing so that we can have a more relaxing afternoon doing Arts & Crafts, or Educational games on tablets.

We painted rainbows this week to stick up on our windows and M also made a toilet roll elepant as part of his African Elephant research project.


I know its very early days still but I am pleased with how the first week has gone. I have been feeling rather shattered from it all though so the weekend was a very welcome break for all of us.

How have you been getting on? Are you sticking to a rough timetable or are you just taking each day as it comes?

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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4 thoughts on “Home School Life – Living Arrows 13/52”

  1. We’ve struggled to juggle everything but that’s mainly because I’ve been doing it solo handed. Sounds like you have reached a good balance and love the look of the elephant

  2. Pingback: Online tutoring with inTuition Clubs - review | Suburban Mum

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