
First School Disco and a Pyjama Day – Living Arrows 6/52

I actually forgot to take any photos for this week’s Living Arrows! I wasn’t feeling 100% at the weekend so tried to rest (as much as the boys would let me anyway). After last week’s busy-ness of M’s party, a more chilled out weekend was much needed.

M turned 6 on the Monday and was spoilt with lots of presents. He had school as usual but we went out for a celebratory dinner after school.



We ended the week with E being voted Star of the Week at school and M having moved up another two reading levels. M also had his very first school disco at school on Friday. I would have taken a photo of his outfit before he headed off but he decided to have a major tantrum beforehand and almost didn’t up going! It just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how old they get, they still like to keep you on their toes!

As for the weekend, the boy’s were happy to have a pyjama day on Saturday which was spent playing with their LEGO tanks and M’s birthday presents, one of which was a DIY Slime factory!


I was feeling much better on Sunday we headed into town for some lunch and shopping. The afternoon was spent helping with homework and reading. Why is it the weekends always fly by so quickly?

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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8 thoughts on “First School Disco and a Pyjama Day – Living Arrows 6/52”

  1. Helen - From Mummy to Mum

    I think a nice chilled weekend was needed after a busy week! Well done for the star of the week and moving up in reading, great achievements!

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