
Eating out, new fish and a pyjama day – Living Arrows 40/52

After a month of being back at school, I think we’ve finally gotten back into the routine. Weekends are still very welcome though.

We went to an Open Evening last Tuesday at one of E’s prospective secondary schools. This one was the only one still going ahead with an actual visit, the rest were all had virtual ones, thanks to covid. I am so pleased that we decided to have a look around last year too as the virtual ones just aren’t the same. I think we’re pretty set on which school we’d like him to go to though which is just as well as the applications need to be in by the end of October!

Friday after school, the boys had their second Jiu-Jitsu class. They seem to be really enjoying it so far which I am so pleased about. We’re not allowed to stay and watch but luckily the boys are happy to re-enact what they’ve learnt at home.

Saturday, we took a trip to another garden centre to have a look at garden offices and to also buy some new fish. We’ve added quite a few to our collection over the last few weeks! We stopped off for lunch at Bill’s which made a really nice change. Other than eating out a couple of times in August we’ve not really ventured out.

The boys decided to have a pyjama day on Sunday as we had no plans to venture out. They both have weekly homework now on top of their reading and times tables so Sunday is the day we set aside to complete it. M was tasked with writing a poem this week and he wrote an Acrostic poem about our new pet fish!

I only have a photo of M this week as E didn’t fancy getting snapped.


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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