An Alton Towers weekend – Living Arrows 40/53

We’ve been making the most of our Merlin passes this year and decided to squeeze in a visit to Alton Towers before they parks officially close for the season at the end of the month. So this weeks photos are all from our weekend away.

We drove up early Saturday morning and arrived at the park just before midday. We booked ourselves into a Premier Inn half an hour down the road so we could spend half a day back at the park before driving home late afternoon.

The last time we visited, M was only 2 and E was the age M is now (5), so we spent most of our time in CBeebies Land. This time around we managed to spend more time in the main part of Alton Towers and went on some of the slightly bigger rides.


On the Night Garden ride in CBeebies Land


Tucking into breakfast at the Premier Inn

The boys are always in awe watching the bigger rollercoasters like Rita and Nemesis whizz past. M has no fear at all and would go on them all in a heartbeat if he was tall enough. E, on the other hand, is a little more reserved and likes to watch and talk about the bigger rides but more often than not, fear gets the better of him, and he talks himself out of going on said rides. He did this with the Vampire Ride on his birthday at Chessington.

However, he decided he wanted to give Wicker Man, the new ride at Alton Towers a try, so he went off with Mr H while M and I went on some of the rides in CBeebies Land.

We had an enjoyable but tiring weekend, and one of my most favourite photos is of all of us on Duel – the laser ride where we go around shooting zombies!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

4 thoughts on “An Alton Towers weekend – Living Arrows 40/53”

  1. We always love going to Alton Towers and make a weekend of it once a year but we always come back feeling so exhausted. I need to plan our next visit soon! x

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