
A 5th Birthday and Nerf Wars – Living Arrows 6/53

This week was all about M’s birthday and party. He’s been so excited about turning 5 – every day this week he’s been asking how many more days until his birthday which is just so sweet!

We had a lovely pre-birthday meal on Saturday night to kick-off the celebrations. Then, unexpectedly on Sunday morning, I received a message from the lady I’d organised the birthday with. We had booked a kid’s go-kart party but their van had been stolen overnight with all their equipment inside. It meant she had no choice but to cancel the party. Not nice news to have to tell a very excited 5-year-old on the morning of his birthday I can tell you!

Thankfully, as the party wasn’t until the late afternoon we had time to arrange something else. We managed to secure a Nerf Wars party at the same venue and judging by the smiles and red faces from all the kids, I think its safe to say they had fun!



You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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