
Easter Break & Sunshine – Living Arrows 15/53

What a mixed week weather-wise for the first week of the Easter holidays! The sun came out on Thursday – just in time for our day out to Kew Gardens.

We had the most wonderful day and it was the first time we were out with no coats!! I had high hopes it would last over the weekend but it wasn’t to be.


I had the week off to spend with the boys. We had a couple of days where we were just at home/running errands. I did feel as though I should have had an activity planned every day but sometimes its just nice to go with the flow and stay in our PJs past midday. It is meant to be a break after all! The rest of the time we managed to fit in a trip to Air Hop, lunch out with friends and Bowling.

Saturday was a dry day so we decided to head to one of our local parks so the boys could get back into riding their bikes and play a bit of football.

I’m hoping they can really crack the bike riding over the next couple of months.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

1 thought on “Easter Break & Sunshine – Living Arrows 15/53”

  1. It sounds like you all had a great week and I think it’s best not to have too many activities – children often love nothing more than a day at home x

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