
Bocketts Farm and a trip to London – Living Arrows 16/53

The boys have had a mixed but busy week this week, I went back to work so they had the combination of a friend, Mr H and mother-in-law looking after them. My mother-in-law took them on the train and tram to visit their Great Nanny on Wednesday which they really enjoyed.

Thursday, I worked from home so they went to our local recreation centre where I’d booked them into an activity camp for the day – they came home happy but very tired. Friday was Mr H and I’s wedding anniversary – 9 years married!  It was also my day off so I decided to make the most of the last day of the boys Easter Break and took them to Bocketts Farm. It’s been a while since our last visit but we always have so much fun there. It’s lambing season so we got to see lots of cute baby lambs and see one of the boys favourite activity – pig racing!

The photo below was taken in the tea room whilst we were waiting for our lunch. E had a sleepover at a friend’s house later in the afternoon so M and I dropped him off before heading home.


E came home on Saturday looking rather tired – apparently, they stayed up until 1am and woke up at 7! Mr H and I went for an anniversary lunch whilst my sister had the boys. We spent the afternoon chilling and playing in the garden.

Sunday we were all up and out early as we’d been invited to a screening to see Show Dogs in Leicester Square. We popped had some lunch and a walk around after and ended up in Hamley’s.


Then it was back home to start getting ready for school on Monday. That’s their Easter break over with for another year, it went by far too quickly for my liking but I am looking forward to getting back into our usual routine again.

A tired E on the way home from London

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

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