
Alice Holt and a trip to London – Living Arrows 1/52

I managed to post a photo of the boys for Donna’s Living Arrows linky every week last year and I plan to do the same again for 2019. I love the fact that I will have these photos to look back on and see how much they’ve grown throughout the year. Not only that, it gives me a little reminder of what we get up to during the week.


This week’s photos were taken towards the end of last week just before the end of the Christmas holidays. We spent Thursday afternoon at Alice Holt on a little walk; the boys played with their Laser X guns and football, and we caught up with the Gruffalo too!

Friday we decided to head on the train into London to the Transport Museum. The boys got really excited when they realised the train we were getting on was a brand new South Western Railway train. It looked pretty similar to a standard train but was a lot newer and had a new display board. We’ve been to the transport museum a good few times over the years but seem to love it a little more each time we visit. Children go free and it costs just £16 for adults. The ticket lasts all year too so it means we can head back as many times as we want.

On the train to London!

We met Mr H after work and went to a restaurant near his work for Tapas. It was a lovely end to the week.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

4 thoughts on “Alice Holt and a trip to London – Living Arrows 1/52”

  1. Aw these are lovely photos, Well done for sticking to it all last year, I am hoping to do the ame this year. I said it last year but I wasn’t able to but this year I am determined to post every week. I love the living arrows linky. xx

  2. I am so, so pleased you’re joining in again – I’ve loved seeing all your boys’ adventures over the last year and I’m so glad it’s continuing this year x

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