
Milestones: The end of Nursery and Year 2

Another school year is almost over and I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling rather sad about the end of this one. E will be finishing Infants today and will be going into Juniors and M will be starting Reception. From September both my babies will be at full-time school!

We had the boy’s school reports last week and both were surprisingly accurate about their approach to learning.

M has made some firm friends in nursery this year and he has absolutely loved going in every morning to play. From what I can gather, he loves inventing imaginative games to play with his friends and really enjoys playing with the same sorts of things each day. He continues to love trains, cars and running.

This was the year he started to take more of an interesting in drawing and has actively asked if he can sit down with some paper and colouring pens. It’s so funny to see the faces and people he draws, they are so very similar to E’s when he was the same age. He’s also started to writing the letter M for his name too.

We also finally managed to get him started on swimming lessons. He loves the water and it’s been really lovely seeing him be so confident.

More recently, he’s been able to keep score on how many goals have been scored when playing football with Mr H in the garden. I think it’ pretty impressive for a 4-year-old! It just goes to show that he’s more than ready to start school in September as much as I’m not too keen on my youngest baby leaving me I know he will take to it like a duck to water!

It’s quite scary to think just how independent E is becoming these days. He’s had another great year at and from his report he works really hard at school.

He still loves drawing, writing stories and is still into cars and racing but this year was all about Minecraft. It’s probably the one thing he is obsessed about the most. I remember he was so upset when he thought he’d lost one of the worlds he’d been building in. It turned out he just couldn’t find it because he had over 30 of them all with the same name stored!

This was also the year he went on his very first sleepover and where he attempted (and smashed!) the zip wires at Go Ape. We could also drop him off at Birthday parties without needing to stay. He’s also taken more of an interest in football and more recently has started making his own videos and tells me he wants to have his own YouTube Channel!

The boys are very much ready for the Summer and we have some exciting activities planned. I’m also looking forward to some lazy pyjamas days too!

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