
Capturing memories with photos

It’s not long until the end of the school year now. M will have finished his Reception year and E, his first year in Juniors. Its flown by – in my head, M has still only “just” started Reception.

He brought home his Learning Diary from when he was in the nursery this week, and it was so lovely looking back at all the things he did back then. He’s lost the baby fat he had and has really grown in the last year. It’s such a great idea that schools have these diaries. I’m going to be keeping them all for when the boys are older so that they can look back on them in years to come. I just wish we’d had something similar when I was at school.


One of the main reasons I started this blog back in 2015 was so that I could have a record of the boys growing up. I video all their assemblies and keep all their certificate and achievements. I actually need a bigger memory box to keep everything in one place for each of them, I’ve just not gotten around to it yet.

I’d also like to create some photo books. It’s all very well and good having digital copies of everything but its good to have hard copies too. I’d like the books to contain photos as well as some of their many drawings and scribbles.

I try to remember to take photos of these before they head to the recycling box – its a great way to keep all their art without having mountains of paper to store away. I’ve seen that Groupon have some deals for Photobox at the moment so if you’re looking to have some things printed its definitely worth taking a look. Photo booths are also a great idea if you have a big family gathering or event coming up. It’s a great way of capturing everyone having fun. Photo Booth Rental Fort Worth is worth checking out if you’re in the US.

How do you store and keep your children’s drawings, certificates and achievements?


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