
Joining the big boys in September

I am excited and nervous that my eldest will be starting school in September. It was rather sad to have said “goodbye” to his nursery in July and to begin with I don’t think it had quite sunk in that he wouldn’t be returning. Various things would prompt him to say “Can I take this to show nursery?” before I would gently have to remind him that he wasn’t going to nursery anymore and that he was starting big school.

We have been slowly preparing for September with the buying of school uniform/PE kit/bookbags etc and we have been practicing putting on our PE kit and plimsolls. My next big task which I think I have been worrying about slightly is for him to learn to wipe his own bottom. Whilst I am in no doubt that there will be people there to help him, the toilets in his new school are not in the same vicinity of his classroom so he won’t be able to call for help like he would have done at nursery…. I’m sure he will be fine but I still can’t help but worry!


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