
Milestones: The End of the Year 1 and Nursery


Seriously – where has the school year gone? It seems to have really crept up on us.

E’s school report came home with him last Friday and I honestly could not be more proud of him. He absolutely loves learning and his teacher even quoted him saying:

“I love coming to school because you get to do lots of learning and you get to see your friends”

He’s grown so much and although he still loves to draw he’s now really fallen in love with writing. Just recently he’s started to make little story books at home where he tells me he’s the author AND the illustrator and will spend hours coming up with a story and then illustrating each page. I love his enthusiasm for it and I hope it continues to grow and flourish.


This was the year where he formed stronger friendships with the boys in his class, became more independent at home, and has pretty much moved away from watching CBeebies and instead has joined his brother in his love of Paw Patrol and watching various other programmes on Nick Jr.

He’s discovered a new found love of cars – racing ones in particular and has recently gotten into Skylanders too.

He’s had a great year of learning at school, I definitely think I have my hands full trying to keep him occupied with activities over the Summer.

M will be heading into the school nursery come September and although we have explained this to him I don’t think it’s quite sunk in yet.


He’s loved going to nursery and I’ve been told he’s very sociable with all the children there. He loves running around, playing with cars and trains (figures!) and especially loves being outside playing with the sand and water.

This was the year where he finally got to make some friends of his own and was invited to a party without his big brother there. His own cheeky personality also started to come through and he found his favourite colour (red), his favourite programme (Paw Patrol) and his favourite Paw Patrol character (Marshall).

He’s learnt to share and play together nicely and nursery told me he was a joy to have around. It was really sad saying “Goodbye” to the nursery last week. This time, it was knowing that we would not be back there again. (I may have cried a little)

However, I am so looking forward to being able to spend more time with them both over the Summer and hopefully, (weather depending) going on some fun days out.

We have six weeks of making memories before they head into Year 2 and school nursery and I’m determined to try and enjoy every moment.

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5 thoughts on “Milestones: The End of the Year 1 and Nursery”

  1. Ah what a lovely post – it sounds like both of your boys are absolutely thriving! I love that E is enjoying learning so much, that’s so sweet. Hope you have a fab summer all together and that the weather is good to you!

  2. Ah a lovely post Maria. Your boys sound like they are doing so well and have many more exciting challenges and adventures ahead of them. It’s scary how quickly they grow up, you must be so proud of them both. Have fantastic 6 week summer holiday, and thanks for linking at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

  3. Pingback: Looking back at 2016: a roundup of our year | Suburban Mum

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