Outdoor fun and our Anniversary break – Living Arrows 15/52

The first week of the Easter holidays seems to have whizzed by. We were invited to an event at Kidzania on Tuesday where we got to have a first look at a couple of new Nintendo Games – Yoshi’s Crafted World and the new Nintendo LABO VR Kit.


We’ve been huge fans of the Switch ever since it came out and we spend many a weekend playing as a family so we were absolutely over the moon to be invited.

The boys also had the chance to go around Kidzania, we’ve been a few times before for birthday parties and they always enjoy all the activities so we had a really good day out.


The rest of the week was spent with a mix of mooching around at home a theatre a trip and an afternoon at one of our local National Trust gardens where we met some friends.


Mr H took Friday off work as we were driving down to Warwick to spend the weekend celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. We had a bit of a rocky start where we were in a hotel room that had mould on the wall, in the end, we switched hotels as they didn’t have any other rooms that could accommodate us. Thankfully the rest of the weekend went without a hitch and we had a fab day out at Warwick Castle and even had a little wander around Stratford on Sunday before heading home.


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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11 thoughts on “Outdoor fun and our Anniversary break – Living Arrows 15/52”

  1. Kidzania always looks like such fun! My boys are really getting into the PlayStation at the moment but I think my husband is keen to get them a Switch (mostly as an excuse because he wants one for himself!) – the VR thing looks really cool. Glad you managed to have a good break too, despite the mould! #LivingArrows

    1. I can vouch for the Switch – its very family friendly and there will be games for just your husband too! We did have a lovely break away and Easter was enjoyable too! x

  2. Pingback: Nintendo Labo VR X KidZania – Erin Rose Banks

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