
Milestones: My baby is starting school

This time next week, I’ll be getting M, the baby of the family ready for his first day at school!

You’d think that having been through the process once before with E that it would be easier second time around. In a lot of ways, it is easier. He already knows the school, having been to nursery there, he knows the routine etc but in other ways, it’s so much harder.

We’ve definitely closed the door on having any more babies now so I feel a little sad that I’m going to be waving my baby boy off to school. Being the youngest, M seems so much smaller to me at this age than E ever was.

Everyone comments on how much he looks like me and he’s always been a real mummy’s boy. Whereas E (who used to be a mummy’s boy) is now all about daddy! Mr H and I joke that the dynamics are perfect as we have one child each!

M will always be the one who comes looking for a cuddle on the sofa and long may that continue! I know he is excited about starting school and he can’t wait to see some his best friends from nursery who will be in the same class.

I have a feeling he is going to be a little trouble maker because he loves to make people laugh. Usually, it’s by saying silly things or by acting the clown. Having said that though, he is also a bit of a stickler for rules so I hope that will balance him out a bit!

Whilst E comes out with a pristine uniform nine times out of ten I have already pre-empted that M will be the complete opposite. I keep telling him not to wipe his mouth with his sleeve but of course, it doesn’t sink in!

Next week will be the start of a brand new chapter for us all.

I’m not sure how well I’m going to cope with having two lots of everything to remember. Twice the amount of uniform has already overwhelmed me! Thank goodness I’ve passed the ironing onto Mr H now, who proved over the weekend his ironing skills are much better than mine!

I know M will thrive at school and as much as the pre-school pick up was a pain, I will miss not having my little mini-me with me – especially on my day off.

But wait… it will mean I’ll have a whole six hours to myself!!! Swings and roundabouts and all that! 😉

Is your child starting school soon? How are you feeling about it?

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8 thoughts on “Milestones: My baby is starting school”

  1. Yeay!!! 6 hours all to yourself! He looks so cute – I like how you say you now ‘have one child each’. With 3, that quite doesn’t work for us! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope to see you again next time! It’s been a pleasure to co-host with you! 🙂

  2. Helen @talking_mums

    It’s such a big step starting school with so many emotions on both parts. I think I will be just as emotional when my youngest starts school as I was with the eldest! X

  3. Best of luck to you all. How did he get on? And that’sa girl….focus on the positive. All that free time.

    Thanks so much for linking up to #kcacols

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