
Read with me – June roundup


Over half way into the year already and as I write this we are in the midst of a heatwave!! Which is great… but oh my god how warm is it at night? I’ve been lucky that my boys don’t seem to be suffering too badly with it at the moment. We’ve had a month of Sport’s Day, Teddy Bear picnics and the dreaded chicken pox – which is set to continue into July as M has come out in spots today. Talk about timing!!

Anyhow, as usual some of my favourite posts below – grab a cuppa and enjoy reading. x

Why child-free aunties are amazing
I read this piece on the Huff Post and it describes my sister perfectly. She’s always around to help out with the boys and babysit so hubby and I can enjoy a night out. Have a read. Quite simply – Aunties rock!!  @TwoFunMoms

The 7 Stages of Separation Anxiety
This post from Claire had me nodding along and laughing. She writes about mums going through the 7 stages of separation anxiety when we leave our children and so much of it rings true! Double edge sword though – we long to have time to ourselves but then when we do, we can’t stop thinking/worrying about our children and wondering if they are ok! In my 5 years of being a mum though  I have actually never been away from my boys for even a night! Evenings/days out yes but not a full night. Definitely something for me to check off my to-do list. @lovelifeanddd

When children just want to run
My boys enjoy days out, sightseeing and theme parks but they also enjoy an open space where they can run around just as much. Kiran from Mummy Says talks about how we should enjoy watching our children run for the sake of running. So carefree and full of joy and I completely agree with her. I love watching my boys runing around giggling and chasing one another. It’s what makes them children – that free spiritedness and without a worry in the world.  @kiranchug

Reception badges of honour – how many has your tot earnt this year?
I can’t bear the fact the E will have finished his Reception year in a couple of weeks time – it’s gone so quick! Kate’s post talks about the badges of honour they may have racked up over the school year. I think I counted 15 at least but am very pleased to say we didn’t have the pleasure of the class bear – I think that’s being saved for year 1! @_KateChapman

Yes. You should have a third child
If you read my “The truth about…having another baby” then you will know that we are still pretty undecided about having a third. Here Amy writes the reasons why you should have third child. I’m convinced – ALMOST! 🙂  @amyransom

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