
Read with me – March 2015 round up

With working and looking after the two boys, it’s sometimes difficult to find the time to blog let alone read but it is fast becoming one of my passions/hobbies.

Here is new monthly feature “Read with me” – a roundup of blogs/posts I have enjoyed this month. Grab a cuppa, have a read and I hope you enjoy!

Wife of a Perfect Man
Someone on my Twitter feed (sorry I can’t remember who!) recommended this blog and once I started reading I couldn’t stop. This strong brave lady was suddenly widowed and left with two young boys whilst also 12 weeks pregnant with her third child. Words cannot even begin to express what she must be going through but she writes candidly about what happened to her husband and how she is coping without him. It’s a heartbreaking but very inspiring read.

Don’t judge me it could happen to you
Fiona over at Coombe Mill talks about her experience with dealing with her teenage son who had too much to drink at his dads birthday celebrations. I think that Fiona’s approach of allowing her children some alcohol under supervision in her home is something I would like to introduce when my boys are older. There is a lot to be said for being open with your children and letting them experience these “firsts” under your watchful eye. @coombemill

The Don’t beat yourself up guide to feeling like a failure
This post from Em over at Brummy Mummy of 2 really resonated with me. We’ve had countless tantrums from M and I have used my shouty voice way too much. Her post just reminds us all that no one is perfect and every mummy out there has their daily struggles. We are human and we don’t get things right all time. @brummymummyof2

Is it ever ok to discipline someone else’s child?
Charlotte over at Education Elsa poses a question I have always thought about. She was at Soft play with her daughter Elsa when a young boy was persistently misbehaving whilst the dad was oblivious as he was sat in the corner reading his book.

Personally, I am quite happy for someone else to discipline my child if I happen not to be there or miss them misbehaving. Children need to learn right from wrong whether it’s from the parents or other adults. I’m sure we have all been in situations like this before and have had to hold our tongue!  @educatingelsa

That’s it for this month – if you have any blogs that you enjoy – please let me know about them in my comments I love discovering new ones!

About The Author

9 thoughts on “Read with me – March 2015 round up”

  1. Coombe Mill (Fiona)

    What a lovely post to think to write and share and thrilled to be on your read with me list for this month. Another first, we have just left all the children in charge of Coombe Mill for 2 nights and only a couple of little mini beer bottles gone – result!

    1. Ahh thanks Fiona! I’m hoping this new feature will also spur me on to try and read more blogs too.

      Wow – 2 whole nights with the children in charge! Sounds like it went well! x

  2. Al - The Dad Network

    Must try harder 😉 Good idea to keep a note of what you’ve liked each month. I must try and remember to do that. Thanks for linking up #bigfatlinky

  3. Al - The Dad Network

    Hello, thanks for linking up a great post. Next time you link, please remember to comment on both the hosts post as well as 2 others 🙂

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