
10 ways to keep your children cool at bed time

In case you’ve been living under a rock, we’re currently in the midst of a heatwave and being British we do what we do best don’t we? We moan when it’s cold and we moan when it’s hot – obviously!

Here are my top 10 tips for keeping your little ones cool at night time (these can be used for us adults too of course!)


1. Air the bedroom before bedtime
Open all windows and make sure all doors are open upstairs about an hour before bedtime to try and air the bedrooms as much as possible.

2. Use a fan
I tend to have this “non-oscillating” and pointing to the middle of the room when my boys go to sleep.

3. Put an ice pack in front of your fan
No, I’m not crazy – this really works but it does take up a bit of room! If you have a pedestal fan simply wrap ice in a wet towel and secure with string on each end, suspend the ice pack in between two chairs in front of your fan and voila – it’s like having your own air con! You’ll also need to place a bowl underneath the towel though to catch the melted ice.

4. Remove duvet and use the duvet cover
If your children don’t like sleeping without any bedding as mine do and they don’t want to use a blanket that doesn’t “match” their bedsheets simply remove the duvet and let them use the cover- everybody’s happy! (well if you call not being able to sleep in the heat happy that is) You can also then refer to the point below

5. Put sheets in the freezer (30 mins before bedtime)
I know it sounds weird but trust me –  try it! It’s amazing and instantly cools you down.

6. Tepid bath
According to research a tepid bath that is slightly lower than your body temperature is the best way to cool you down gradually.

7. Cotton clothing
If your children can bear to have any clothes on (mine have been going to bed in just pants and nappy) – cotton is the choice to keep them cool

8. Leave water beside their bed
We do this every night anyway as both boys like to wake up and have a sip during the night. A great tip is to freeze a couple of bottles so that they stay colder for longer.

9. A damp flannel
to wipe them down if they become hot and sticky during the night OR see below

10. Cool spray
We tend to use this on holiday but when we are in the middle of a heatwave – needs must!

Do you have any of your own tips to share? I’d love to hear them – leave me a comment

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21 thoughts on “10 ways to keep your children cool at bed time”

  1. Fab list lovely, I might have to try some of these for me as it’s so hot trying to go to sleep at the moment! I don’t think we have it as badly down here as you do though, and rain is forecast crossed fingers! 😉
    Thanks for linking up to #TenThings,

    Stevie xx

    1. Thanks for hosting Stevie. I am sooo doing the ice pack infront of fan thing and sheets in the freezer before bed time tonight!! It’s currenly 34 degrees in London – thank god for office air con is all I can say! x

  2. Karen Gribbon

    Oh I learnt some new tips here. Unusually warm in Northern Ireland at the minute so may have to adopt some of these strategies tonight! #sharewithme

  3. Merlinda Little

    Spray & wet wipes is what I have in my bag always in Manila and is using here now that its too hot for my son! #sharewithme

  4. Fab tips and really useful! My two had a tough night a couple of nights ago with the heat, and I ended up giving them both a cool bath before bed. I also removed their duvet! 😉 x #sharewithme

  5. Carol Cameleon

    Great idea about the sheets in the freezer! I wish I’d read this a few days ago 😉 At least I’m armed and ready for the next heatwave! And yes, I told several people to stop moaning about the heat… #brilliantblogposts

  6. MummyandMonkeys

    Some great idea, we are lucky that our new house is old and cold. It’s so hard to sleep when you are hot. Thanks so much for linking up to #PickNMix

  7. Pingback: Top Tips To Cope With The Summer Sun - mumdadplus4

  8. Great tips but please, please just use a piece of reusable cotton or cloth, not endless wet wipes which just add to environmental problems. It will also save you cash – so much cheaper!

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