Pancakes and playing outdoors – Living Arrows 9/52

Seriously, what is up with this weather at the moment? I don’t ever remember having so much rain around this time of year. It feels like its been constant! The boys were back to school after half-term this week and seemed to settle back into the swing of it. They were disappointed that half-term was only a week off though but as a welcome distraction, M was very excited that it was Shrove Tuesday and that we were going to make pancakes for pudding!



We had another relatively chilled out weekend other than popping out to do a food shop.


It was actually sunny and dry on Sunday and E asked if they could play outside to test out their new shin pads. It was the first time this year they played in the garden. They spent hours out there and we couldn’t get them to come back in!


I do hope the weather changes for the better soon, it makes such a difference being able to use the garden again!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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2 thoughts on “Pancakes and playing outdoors – Living Arrows 9/52”

  1. The weather has been crazy hasn’t it? It’s been a lot better here this last week so I’m hoping things are finally starting to turn the corner to spring. Glad to hear your boys got outside for a bit at least – our garden is still so wet!

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