
Cooking Kids – Living Arrows 9/52

After a busy half-term, it was back to school for the boys. E ended the week on a high – he came out with a huge grin on his face on Friday as he’d auditioned (along with his friends) to the school talent show and got passed the first round. He played the Ukulele which he’s been learning after school on Thursdays since the new year.

We had a relatively quiet weekend, Mr H and the boys watched the football on Saturday. After it ended we went into town to buy E some new school shoes.

E was excited about cooking us all dinner for the first time that evening. He’s always loved his food and we decided that now he’s older he can help out. He chose a Prawn Linguine recipe from our Hello Fresh cards and did a great job zesting lemon and chopping up herbs before making the sauce for our pasta.

He was so proud dishing up our food – I do hope it becomes a regular occurrence, the more he grows in confidence with cooking the better. It’ll mean I get to take a back seat!

Sunday, M had a party so we dropped him off and we went to run some errands. We ended up with some time on our hands before picking him up again so we treated ourselves to a hot chocolate and a cookie.


That evening M helped Mr H cook dinner as he didn’t want to feel left out with cooking. They made cutlets (like mini burgers) for our dinner so I ended up having the weekend off from cooking which was great!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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6 thoughts on “Cooking Kids – Living Arrows 9/52”

  1. The boys look like they are really enjoying cooking! I wish mine were more interested in learning to cook. I can get them to help with the odd dish but i would love for it to be more regular.

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