Back to School, Greenwich & Food – Living Arrows 37/53

The boys went back to school on Wednesday last week, and they were so ready for it. A new school year plus a new classroom and teacher too. We had the obligatory picture by the front door which I’ve done ever since the boys started nursery. I do love looking back at the photos to see just how much they’ve grown.


M has been a little emotional after school, and we’ve had some tears. I know it’s been down to tiredness and adjusting back into the school routine though so I’m sure he’ll be back on track soon.

E was happy to see that one of his drawings made the front cover of this year’s Learning Diary. I know I’m biased, but I think it looks cool!


We had a day out in and around Greenwich on Saturday for my mother-in-laws birthday. We started off by going to a traditional Pie & Mash shop for lunch before heading to the Planetarium and the Maritime Museum. We then took the Emirates Air Line (cable car) from Greenwich to Royal Docks before ending up at Brick Lane for a curry.

The boys also got to go on the DLR for the first time and were amazed that there are no drivers and they could sit right at the front.



Sunday, we met up with my parents who had just returned from a cruise for Dim Sum. All-in-all we had a pretty jam-packed weekend, and we ate A LOT of food!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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