
Dragons and food – Living Arrows 4/52

I’m pleased to report that we had a much better week with regards to getting M out of bed for school last week, I hope it continues this way! He’s been very excitedly counting down the days to his birthday party which is this coming Saturday.

The weekend just gone seems to have been centred around food. We had a special treat Friday night and reviewed a new Thai restaurant in Kingston. (review coming soon!)


On Saturday, we were invited to a special screening of How To Train Your Dragon movie and the boys the best time! There were lots of activities for them to get stuck into and the movie was an immersive experience with lasers and special effects. We got home around 6ish that evening and ended up ordering takeout curry.



Then on Sunday, my dad wanted to treat the boys to McDonald’s so like I said – a weekend very much centred around food! It’ll be a busy week for me as I will be baking M’s birthday cake ready for his party on Saturday – wish me luck!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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