
Go Karting Party – Living Arrows 20/52

Oh, what a full-on week we had! Last Tuesday was Mr H’s birthday, so we all went out for a curry in the evening to celebrate. Thursday and Friday were spent preparing for E’s birthday party on Saturday. We’d booked a Go-Kart party for him and his friends, and it went down a treat. They all looked very handsome in their overalls, and it was so much fun watching them all whizz around the track.


M was just about tall enough to join as you had to be a minimum of 1.2 metres in height. He had a slight problem with his first cart as the seat kept sliding back so he couldn’t push the accelerator down enough, but after changing to a different kart on his second go, he was off and did some spectacular overtaking too.


The Tank cake I made was also a success, and pretty much all of them had second helpings. After the party, we went home to prepare for round two – our annual Eurovision get-together.


We moved our TV into the boy’s room for the night so they could watch movies and play games upstairs while the adults watched Eurovision. It was lots of fun, but I am pleased the madness is all over for another year, and I can rest.

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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