Friends and a trip down memory lane – Living Arrows 23/52

We had no firm plans last weekend so when our friends messaged and suggested we meet up for dinner it was a pleasant surprise. We popped into Guildford to do some shopping and ended up in Curry’s. The boys automatically gravitated towards their new Gaming section where they had lots of consoles on show to test out. It kept them busy and gave me a glimpse of their future teenage selves.

We’d booked a restaurant in the town where Mr H and I spent our student days and as we were early we showed the boys around the town and our old student house. So much has changed since we were there over 20 years ago!


Sunday, we had a quieter day running errands and doing a food shop. We decided to take the boys to Brooklands Park afterwards so they could go on their bikes. M must have shot up over the last few weeks as we think he’s grown out of his bike. He had a go on E’s bike for a bit until it started pouring down with rain! Hard to believe its summer at the moment!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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