
Half-term and another Birthday day out – Living Arrows 23/53

It was half-term for the boys this last week but we didn’t have much planned. I think with all the business of May, they needed a relatively relaxed week.

Both Mr H and I were working so they spent most of the week at home playing outside. They spent Wednesday with my mother-in-law and boy were they wired by the time I got home!

Thursday was my birthday so Mr H came home early and we went out to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner and Friday I took the boys to Hobbledown for the day.

The weather was glorious and a lot hotter than I was expecting! We’ve not visited for a while so the boys were very happy. They came out of the indoor soft play dripping in sweat from all the running around they did.
Saturday was my birthday day out so we made the most of our Merlin passes and went to Madame Tussauds, followed by food at the Rainforest Cafe and we ended the day on the London Eye. We live so close to London yet we’d never visited any of those places before so it was a day of firsts for us all. We had an amazing day weather-wise too and spending the day doing fun things with my boys was just how I wanted to celebrate turning 40!


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

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