Wicked Wednesdays 18-03-15

Another day – another toddler meltdown….the main pic is because he threw food that he didn’t want to eat anymore and then proceeded to cry because err.. he threw it on the floor!!!!! Inset pic is M in the naughty corner in our room (along with a lovely pic of our dyson!) because he threw my phone – can you guess where? ON.THE.FLOOR….. m-tears2

Linking up to the lovely brummymummyof2’s #WickedWednesdays brummymummyof2

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12 thoughts on “Wicked Wednesdays 18-03-15”

  1. Merlinda Little

    Its either he is thinking he did something bad or is thinking on where to throw your phone next =P #WickedWednesdays

  2. Ahhh what a great strop shot, my daughter asks for things u give them her she chucks them then cries too lol.#wicked-wednesdays

    1. Oh we are having some corkers at the moment – he refused to eat his lunch today and ended hysterically crying and couldn’t stop! I had to put him down for his nap whilst he was still screaming!! x

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