
What you could do to make your Christmas Yule-nique

If there’s one thing that decades of Christmas films should have taught us by now then it’s the importance of appreciating what we already have. This is a time of year to be humble and cherish the simple joy of spending time with the ones we love. That being said, there’s no reason to sit around twiddling your thumbs with your family and friends at Christmas. If you and your loved ones have time off work and school to spend time with one another then you should make the most of that precious time together. This is a chance to make some special memories with one another. Get some festive inspiration from the following suggestions if you’re wondering what you could do to make your Christmas “yule-nique” (sorry for the bad pun).


Decorate your home in creative ways

Why decorate your home in a basic way this Christmas? If you really want to do something unique for the holidays then you should think of creative ways in which to decorate your home. Start with your tree. Sure, you can use some tinsel or baubles, but why not add something a little different? Hang up some reindeer-shaped fairy lights, for instance. Or hand-make some tree decorations with the kids to really personalise the appearance of your Christmas tree. After all, customised decorations will certainly give your household a one-of-a-kind aesthetic. Your goal is to make your house really feel like home. That’s what makes it unique, after all. It’s a piece of advice to consider throughout the year, but the homely vibe will definitely be well-suited to the Christmas season.

You might also want to create a unique theme for your household. You don’t have to simply opt for traditional colours when decorating your household. You could even use black and white design to create a chic and contrasting style throughout your household. Obviously, the occasional pop of colour will keep your home looking and feeling festive, but Christmas gives you an opportunity to reinvent the interior design of your humble abode. Just make sure the theme you use is in keeping with the existing design of your home. Bright and vibrant colours are festive, but you don’t want your Christmas decorations to clash with the underlying aesthetic of your household.

Arrange for a message from Santa

Kids write letters to Father Christmas; that’s not a revolutionary idea. But if you really want to think outside the box then you should arrange for Santa to reply. That’ll really make this holiday an unforgettable one for the kids. Obviously, you might want to help Santa out by writing the message for him. But this is a chance to make Christmas very special for your little ones or your partner if they still write letters to Santa. You’re never too old to keep searching the skies on Christmas Eve, at the end of the day. This is a chance to let your loved ones know how special they are (even if they don’t know the response has been written by you). If your children have been good this year then you could write a lovely letter so they know that their friends and family appreciate it.

Organise a short festive break

There’s something enjoyable about getting cosy in your living room with your family or friends at this time of year. Still, you could make this time of year really special by organising a short festive holiday. You could simply go and stay with some relatives for a few days if you’ve not seen them in a while. Going on a road trip with the family is always fun. You might think of summer when it comes to family holidays, but who’s to say you can’t have a holiday during winter too? In fact, you could opt for a trip that’s well-suited to this time year. During summer, you go to a beach to get a tan and enjoy the sunshine. During winter, you could go to a snowy part of the world to get in the festive spirit. You might want to consider a family Christmas holiday in Lapland. There’s no more festive holiday than a trip to the home of Father Christmas. And that’s the kind of holiday which will fill parents with the holiday spirit as well as children. A short festive break could be just what you and your loved ones need to make Christmas feel unique.


Create some personalised gifts for people

Whether you go Christmas shopping on the high street or do it all online, it can be an exhausting process. There’s no better way to lose your festive spirit than strolling for hours around your local town or scrolling for hours down endless online gift websites. Why not make the whole process much more enjoyable and meaningful by making personalised gifts for people? If you want to make Christmas unique and special for yourself and your loved ones, then you should give them presents they won’t forget. Rather than commercial products, you could give handmade gifts to your family and friends. It’s not just about saving yourself some cash. Sometimes, putting time into a gift is more important than putting money towards a gift.

If you have a friend who loves artwork then who’s to say they wouldn’t love a homemade painting? Okay, maybe you’re not an artistic person, but you can still opt for the personalised route. You could make a physical album of photos with your best friends and relatives. In this digital age, a tangible collection of memories will make a bigger impression on your loved ones than simply sharing a photo with them on Facebook or Instagram. Creating some custom-made gifts for the people who matter most in your life is a great way to leave a lasting impact on them and make this a Christmas they’ll never forget. After all, the true joy of the festive season is giving gifts to others. The only problem is that you’ll have to work hard to outdo yourself next year.

*Collaborative post

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