
Ways to be eco-friendly this Christmas

The run-up to Christmas can be a little crazy. We can all get caught up in the madness of preparing for the big day. There’s the tree to decorate, gifts to buy and wrap, Christmas dinner to plan and that’s not even taking into account working out the logistics of seeing friends and family.

With just a little thought and effort, we can all do our bit to minimise the effect Christmas has on the environment. Here are just some ways to reduce our carbon footprint and be a little more eco-friendly over the festive season.


Christmas Travel

Lots of us will travel around to see friends and family over the Christmas break. If going by car, where possible, travel at quieter times so you can travel in a higher gear thus reducing carbon and saving fuel, you can even carpool and share your journey too. Using public transport such as buses and trains will also reduce your carbon footprint. It’s the easiest way to get to your local shopping centre for a spot of Christmas shopping without stressing about finding a car park space. Undoubtedly, there will also be festive drinks and Christmas parties to be had even so if you are heading to bars in Liverpool ONE, consider sharing a taxi on your way home.

Artificial Tree vs Real Tree?

There have been debates over which is better to have. While real trees are composted by local councils, they will still release 50% of CO2. The best scenario would be to have a live tree in a pot that can be replanted outside when not in use and brought indoors for Christmas. Otherwise, try to opt for a tree that is locally sourced and be sure to recycle it after Christmas. For artificial trees, make sure to re-use them year on year.

Christmas lights

We all love some sparkly bling over Christmas. The best way to be eco-friendly is to choose LED lights as they can save up to 90% on energy costs. Make use of smart plugs and put the lights on a timer too so you don’t waste electricity.

Present Wrapping

Use recycled brown paper to wrap presents or go one step further and create your own unique design by using old newspapers and magazines. Use string to keep the paper in place, or buy some brown tape to secure in place.


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