What every new mum needs in her changing bag

We as women simply cannot live without our purses because there are always a million things to do every day, and there’s always an item that comes in handy in a variety of situations. When you become a mother, you soon realise that these items sometimes change but will always definitely increase. If you’re about to become a new mum and need to know what you need to have in your changing bag, we’ve made a list to help you out.



Given the world’s current state after the onset of the pandemic, everyone needs to be carrying a sanitizer on them anyway. But as a mother, it’s even more so important. You should have one that is suitable for you, and one that is child-friendly as well. To stay germ-free, and also to help you out when you’ve fed the little one or after you’ve changed them and want to clean up, this is a great option.

Baby wipes

Baby wipes are another essential item that all mums need to have on them at all times. While the little ones eat, if you need to change them, baby wipes are the most efficient way to get them clean when there’s no sink available.

Zipper bags

More often than not, you’re going to find yourself in a situation where there will be stained and soiled clothes. This is why you need an extra bag inside your bag, so things don’t get messy. The reviews at MomDot.com show you that it’s possible to have a great looking bag that is also convenient for a mother. These mom bags are specifically designed to help you carry everything you need, giving you extra space for another bag and sometimes even compartments so that you can organize yourself easily.


Of course, you always need to keep extra pampers on you at all times because you never know when your little one will need to be changed. The great thing about all kinds of pampers these days is that they are pretty compact, so you can carry as many as you need and even extra with you without bulking up the bag too much.


When you’re out during the day, along with wearing sunglasses for you and covering both your heads with a hat, you need to make sure that you have the right kind of sunblock for you and one for the little one to protect the skin from the UV rays. Find out how often you need to reapply so that you can get the desired protection.


When you become a mother, you tend to lose track of time and sometimes even when you had your last meal because you’re so consumed with taking care of the little one. This is why you need to make it a point to always have snacks in your bag. Anything that will give you energy like energy bars, nuts, or even some dry fruit is a great idea.


At the best of times, your baby is going to need some kind of distraction. And unless they’re asleep, you either have to feed them or keep them amused. This is why you have to keep all kinds of trinkets in your bag because new babies tend to lose interest, so you need options to ensure that they are entertained for as long as you need them to be. Keep them away from your keys because these can be crawling with bacteria. So it’s best to have their chew toys kept separately, and don’t forget to clean them after every trip.


The worst thing that could happen to you while you’re out with your baby is to have your phone die on you. This is why it’s so important to always keep a fully charged power bank in case of emergency. You want to make it a point always to be reachable, and make sure that you always tell someone when you’re going out and where you’re going, always to be safe.


Baby carrier

You never know when you’re going to need to carry your little one around, so always have your baby carrier on you, even if you think you’re going out for a short while. Anything can happen, and you may have to be out for longer than you anticipated.

This list should do the trick for you as a new mother to always be prepared anytime you leave the house with your baby. You need to make sure that you get an appropriate bag for all these items and one that won’t put a strain on your back. As long as you’re prepared, you have nothing to worry about and will be able to enjoy your time outdoors with your baby.

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