How to prepare for a baby: 6 tips for first-time parents

The day you find out you are pregnant is filled with so many emotions. You might be feeling excited, but also nervous or scared. And the waiting game can be unbearable! But it’s important to take time for yourself and do what makes you feel good. This blog post will help guide you through preparing for your baby during your pregnancy, from things to register for to what to pack in your hospital bag. We hope this helps make the wait easier!


Do your research

We like to call pregnancy a nine-month crash course in how babies work. By the time you deliver, your only wish is that someone had handed you a manual! But thankfully there’s Google and Pinterest. According to, it is possible to “master early parenting” by taking courses and reading up about it online. Googling things like “how often to feed a newborn” or “best travel system for infants” will help you know what questions to ask your paediatrician and which products are the best. Pinterest is great for pinning all of your favourite baby items on one board so it’s easy to find again later.

Have a Baby Registry

Babies are expensive. There’s no way around it. But by creating a baby registry, you can get most of the big items you will need for your child. This will help alleviate some of the financial burdens that come with having a child. When you hold a baby shower people bring you gifts from your registry.

There are a lot of baby items that people register for when they are expecting their first child – diapers, wipes, bottles…the list goes on! It’s really helpful if someone else shops for these items because then all the parents have to worry about is the necessities right now. There are a ton of awesome registries for all sorts of items and you can register at various different sites.

Stock up on supplies

You can’t get everything from throwing a baby shower, which is why it is so important to stock up on supplies before the baby arrives, especially if you are planning on breastfeeding. You will need to stock up on diapers, wipes, bottles, baby formula (if you are not breastfeeding), burp cloths, and teething rings. Having these items on hand will help make the first few weeks of having a baby a little bit easier.

Create a Nursery

Babies should have their own room. A nursery is not a necessity, but it can definitely make life easier for parents with a new baby. If you have the space and the means, set up a nursery before the baby arrives. This will allow you to get all of your supplies in one space and make sure everything is ready for your little one when they come home from the hospital. It’s also a great place for your little one to nap and play in the early weeks and months.

Take a Parenting class

There is no better way to prepare for being a parent than taking a parenting class. This will allow you to learn about all of the different facets of parenting and will help answer any questions you may have. There are classes available for parents of newborns, toddlers, and even teenagers. Check with your local hospital or child development centre to see what classes may be offered and register for one today!

Prep for delivery day

You’ll want to think about what’s important to take with you when you go to deliver your baby if it’s your first time. Some things are obvious, like your insurance card, driver’s license, and the baby’s birth certificate. But other things, like clothes/nappies/wipes for after delivery or a camera to document your first moments with your new bundle of joy are sometimes forgotten! Pack a bag ahead of time so it’ll be ready when you need it. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in your pregnancy. Parents, friends, and family are always there for support.


You may be wondering how to prepare for a baby. We’ve provided you with some helpful tips that will help make the transition from pregnancy to parenting as smooth as possible. Key things we recommend parents do before their first child is born is to register for supplies, stock up on nappies and other essentials, research what products/techniques would work best for your family, and create a nursery space where they can nap or play in those early weeks.

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