Useful ideas to keep your garage organised

Few people would dispute the claim that a cluttered garage is an unhappy garage. Not only does it make it difficult to find what you’re looking for, but it can also be dangerous. You might trip over something or worse, not be able to get your car out when you need it. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to organise your garage and keep it tidy. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best methods for customising your garage storage so everything has its own place.


Custom garage storage

One of the simplest, most effective ways to get your garage in order is with custom storage. A custom storage will fit your garage space perfectly. A good way to do this is by installing a pegboard on one or more of your walls. Pegboards provide a good place for hanging tools and other small items that may otherwise get lost in a crowded drawer or corner of the garage floor. You can get pegboards in a wide variety of sizes, and install them with regular screws or adhesive.

Install shelves

Shelves are another great way to keep your garage tidy. Again, the best way to do this is through custom shelving. Measure out your garage walls and use these measurements to determine what size shelves would fit. You can then have the shelves made with plywood at a home improvement store or cut them yourself if you have the tools.

You can make the shelves as high or low as you need them to be, and install them on your garage walls with screws or adhesive. You may want to put down a thin sheet of plywood first if you plan on storing heavier items like car batteries on the shelf.

Install cabinets

Cabinets are another common garage storage option, and they’re a great way to keep things off the ground. Most cabinets come in kits that include detailed instructions for installation. You’ll have to drill pilot holes into your wall studs then screw in the cabinet hardware according to the manufacturer’s directions. Remember to put the cabinets on a level surface otherwise, you run the risk of having them fall off the wall.

Cabinets work well for storing larger, bulkier items that wouldn’t otherwise fit on a shelf. If you need to keep lawnmowers or bicycles in your garage, cabinets are the best option for making sure they stay safe and out of harm’s way. You can also use cabinets to store smaller tools like screwdrivers and hammers.

Hooks on walls

In addition to shelving and cabinets, another option is for custom garage storage hooks on walls. You can get different types of hooks depending on what you plan on using them for. A good hook should be able to support at least 30 pounds, and you should check the manufacturer’s specifications before buying.

Hooks are a great solution if you have a lot of tools hanging from your belt. They can also provide a place for children’s bikes, balls, and other equipment. It’s just a matter of deciding how you’d like to use them in your garage before buying the hook or hooks that best suit your needs.

Throw away stuff that you don’t need

When you have a cluttered garage, it’s easy to simply shove things under the workbench or in one of the corners. However, you should go through these items and get rid of anything you no longer need. Throw away tools that are broken beyond repair, keep a few important tools but donate or sell the rest. You can even consider selling some of your old tools on eBay or Craigslist if they’re in good enough shape. This is a great way to raise some extra money and declutter your garage at the same time.

Throw away nails, screws, and other small hardware that you’re never going to use again. If you have things like paint cans or other flammable liquids, be sure to clean them up properly and dispose of them through hazardous waste disposal services.  Clear out the clutter so you can find your tools and other items more easily, and declutter by getting rid of anything that’s broken or has been sitting in a corner for years.


As you can see there are many different types of custom garage storage methods that will help keep your space organised so everything has its place. You can design your garage to fit your needs by installing shelves, cabinets, or even hooks on the walls. By following the above steps and using your imagination, you can create a garage that is safe and functional for whatever you plan on storing.

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