The PIP stress management device review

There never seems to be enough hours in the day for my liking but I believe we all need to take some precious time out for ourselves each day.

A few months ago I wrote about managing stress using the PIP stress management device and I have been using this nifty little device regularly since then.

What is PIP?
The PIP is a small device that you hold between your thumb and forefinger that helps you track your stress using biosensors that measure electrodermal activity (EDA), the electrical changes at the surface of the skin to provide a robust, scientifically established indicator of stress response.

How does it work?
The PIP works alongside apps that you can download onto your smartphone or tablet (Android and iOS)  and connects via Bluetooth to send the data collected back to said smartphone or tablet.

I downloaded the Stress tracker onto my iPhone as well as two games: Relax and Race and The Loom.

Stress Tracker
The stress tracker analyses your stress levels and shows them to you in easy to read graph form. It enables you to try and pinpoint what time of day is the most stressful and with time help you how to better to understand and ease this.

Relax and Race
As the title suggests this game is a race between dragons – but one with a difference. The PIP will track your stress levels to determine how fast you should go. I found this concept hard to get my head around to begin with as I am so used to competing when playing games and this apparently increases your stress levels! After a few turns though I started to take in the surroundings of the game and breathed at a slow and even pace and this really helped me relax.

The Loom
Music and imagery change from a snowy setting to a warm one where the tree and flowers bloom as you de-stress and music changes along with the settings. This is my favourite game out of the two as I find I can genuinely feel quite calm watching the scenery change.


I really liked this little device and it works really well for me. I tried the stress tracker at different points during the day. The readings differed significantly whilst I was on my laptop (I was checking emails using my available hand!) compared to when I used it at the end of the day when I’d put the boys to bed and allowed myself to “relax” for the evening.

I’ve gotten into a little routine with using this most evenings and it’s really nice to have this time to just take 5-10 mins just to “de-stress” and focus on winding down and taking some deep breaths to relax. I’ve noticed that as a result, I’ve been much less shouty with the boys which can only be a good thing.

The device is nice and compact and comes in a very handy pouch that would fit nicely into your handbag so that you could use it on the go if you so wish.

The PIP is available to buy from their online store and retails at £145.

NOTE: I was sent the PIP management device in exchange for this review. All opinions and words are my own. 

About The Author

13 thoughts on “The PIP stress management device review”

  1. This sounds like an interesting little gadget, I would be interested to see how stressed I was. I suffer from tension headaches from getting stressed.

  2. Budget Beauty and Babies

    This looks interesting, i’ve never heard of anything like this before. We all need a bit of a de-stress sometimes. #triedandtested

  3. This is very interesting, sounds like something my husband and I could do with. I don’t know if he’d use it though although it would be helpful. He’d especially like the idea of the dragon game. Thanks for sharing, I will look into this further (Christmas present maybe?) #brilliantblogposts

  4. Hi Maria, I never knew such devices existed and it is something I would seriously consider as I tend to internalize stress. I think I know what situations stress me, but I’d be interested to see for sure.

    Unfortunately it’s a little out of my price league right now, but maybe one day.


  5. It sounds like an interesting gadget. It is a little pricey though… I like to destress with meditation sessions. I’ve discovered how effective they are while preparing for hypnobirth with my first child.


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