How to manage stress using the PIP stress management device

Being a working mum can be quite stressful. Whilst it feels like you get the best of both worlds, sometimes it can be a real struggle as you seem to be constantly rushing around trying to do a million things at once.

When I am at work, I make my time count and get through as much as I can during my working hours because when 3.59pm comes around I know I need to leave at 4pm sharp so that I can catch my connections to be back home for 5pm to takeover from my mother-in-law. This usually means a bit of a mad dash to the station to hop on the tube, then a train before picking up the car and negotiating traffic to get home.

Once through the door “mum mode” takes place. The boys are usually already fed (thankfully) so it gives me some time to catch up on what they have been up to at school and nursery, help with reading/homework etc before a quick play, bath, story and bed time.

Of course, it doesn’t stop there. I then cook dinner for Mr H and I before finally sitting down to relax for a couple of hours catch up on blogging/social media. This is my routine for the week and it’s certainly busy and can sometimes be quite hectic.

Manage your everyday stress

Stress affects us all and usually by the time we recognise it, it’s too late – we have already shouted at our children/lost our patience. However, there are devices that can help us manage stress.

PIP is a personal stress management tool. Used together with apps it lets you measure, understand and help you learn to manage stress levels.

The PIP in use alongside apps to help you manage your stress levels

The PIP measures emotional stress through heart rate, respiration and perspiration. By holding the PIP biosensor whilst accessing one of PIP’s apps (either on your smartphone or tablet) it can measure your electrodermal activity (EDA) so you can see and control your stress levels. Regular use of the PIP device allows you to train yourself to manage and modify your behaviour which can improve your health and well-being.

About The Author

12 thoughts on “How to manage stress using the PIP stress management device”

  1. This sounds like a great little device. I didn’t even know something like this existed. I’ve entered the competition. I’d be interested to see how stressed I get.

    Thanks for sharing. Just FYI, if you are interested, I’ve just launched a new linkie called Life Loving Linkie. I’d love it if you came along and shared your post and any others you might want to share.

    Sally @ Life Loving

  2. Merlinda Little

    You just dont know how much stress my body and mind is into this last few months. I need this in my life! #picknmix

    1. Oh Merlinda, I did think you’d been a bit quiet of late. I hope everything is ok with you? Stress can build up quite quickly without you realising it. I hope you can find some time to relax xx

  3. I can’t believe that we can have such a tool to help us control our stress. It is really amazing! As you mention, stress is something we all suffer at some point in our lives, especially when you have kids to look after. It is crazy what stress can do to your body if you don’t take care of yourself. If this works I would like one too!! 😉 Thank you so much for linking up with me at #KCACOLS. I hope to see you again next Sunday! 🙂 xx
    PS: please could you mention my linky? 🙁

  4. MummyandMonkeys

    Ooh I’ve entered this one, I’m struggling to juggle everything at the moment. This looks really interesting. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix

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