Taking these actionable steps may improve your sleep quality

Sleep is one of the most overlooked parts of a human’s life cycle. Research shows that a normal adult needs 7 to 10 hours of undisturbed sleep for the brain and body to operate properly. On the other hand, children and teens need around 9 to 13 hours.

However, many people often lack quality sleep, which can be a huge risk to their health. In fact, 14.5% of adults worldwide have trouble falling asleep and have insomnia. In the US alone, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from different sleeping disorders. If you are among these numbers, then this article is for you. It reveals the six best steps to take in order to improve your sleep quality.

woman sleeping in bed

Have a sleeping schedule

Set a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and reinforce your sleep-wake cycle. Many adults often overlook their timing to go to bed, leaving them extending through the night, hence poor quality sleep and insufficient time. In that case, ensure you have alarms to notify you. With such coordination, your brain tends to establish a habit, one that it can follow. Sleeping and waking times are adjustable per your lifestyle.

Set the bedroom mood

Did you know that the type of lighting and fixtures in your bedroom can affect your sleeping cycle? Bright overhead lights, especially blue lights and those with cool tones can alter your body’s response to melatonin production, which generally interferes with your sleep. Instead, replace them with more dimmable ones or bedside lamps that create a softer, cosier atmosphere. Moreover, this type of illumination produces a soothing atmosphere that facilitates relaxation and sleep.

In addition, turn off screens at least an hour before bed, or if necessary, invest in blue light-blocking glasses. You can click here for details on how they work and how they can help. Moreover, you can substitute screen time for reading a book instead.

Exercising routine

Try establishing a simple workout program that is adjustable to your schedule. You can;

  • Do some yoga in the house to ensure proper blood flow.
  • Take some deep, monitored breaths for proper oxygen circulation to the brain.
  • Try jogging and running to work out the body.
  • Start swimming or doing sports activities.

Some of these routines will even help you manage stress, one of the leading causes of lack of sleep. Some techniques, like meditation and simple stretches, can help relax the brain and muscles, promoting proper blood flow.

Change your lifestyle

This does not necessarily mean changing how you behave or act in a social setting, but rather what you eat, drink, or do. If you happen to be a person who consumes drugs and alcohol, you can try limiting the amounts you do. Such substances will alter your brain functionality, making it hard for you to get some sleep.

Additionally, it would be best if you avoided long day naps. Naps are often short, and if you make it a habit, you will program your brain to only sleep for short periods of time, even during the night. Moreover, if you eat heavily, ensure you have your meals at least 3 hours before your sleeping time. This will allow you to balance the energy levels in your body.

Invest in quality sleep

Some mattresses and pillows are so uncomfortable in such a way that you will often wake up exhausted, even after a nice, long sleep. Therefore, getting soft bedding and pillows can relax your body, leading to falling asleep faster. A quality mattress will also allow you to wake up refreshed. Remember, investing in cosy bedding and maintaining a comfy sleep environment to ensure you get the most out of your sleep.

Seek professional help

sleeping on sofa

When is the right time to seek help from medical professionals? Well, as you know, sleeping disorders can be caused by various reasons. Most of these conditions revolve around:

  • Health concerns
  • Psychological issues.
  • Emotional struggles.
  • Physical signals.

If your sleeping disorders are getting out of hand, it’s advisable to see a doctor. They can recommend different measures to help address the issue. Some include aromatherapy, which uses scents such as lavender and chamomile to boost sleep. Sound therapy is where slow, soothing songs and sounds command your body to sleep. Most of the sounds, especially those that mimic rainfall, have a superb effect in doing so.

Quality sleep will dictate how your day will be. If it wasn’t relaxing enough, expect to have a grumpy day, as it has a huge impact on your psychological well-being. On the other hand, if it is of good quality, then you can be productive. With the above tips, you can train your body to fall asleep and wake up easily.

Sleep is one of the most overlooked parts of a human’s life cycle. Research shows that a normal adult needs 7 to 10 hours of undisturbed sleep for the brain and body to operate properly. On the other hand, children and teens need around 9 to 13 hours.

However, many people often lack quality sleep, which can be a huge risk to their health. In fact, 14.5% of adults worldwide have trouble falling asleep and have insomnia. In the US alone, 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from different sleeping disorders. If you are among these numbers, then this article is for you. It reveals the six best steps to take in order to improve your sleep quality.


Have a sleeping schedule

Set a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and reinforce your sleep-wake cycle. Many adults often overlook their timing to go to bed, leaving them extending through the night, hence poor quality sleep and insufficient time. In that case, ensure you have alarms to notify you. With such coordination, your brain tends to establish a habit, one that it can follow. Sleeping and waking times are adjustable per your lifestyle.

Set the bedroom mood

Did you know that the type of lighting and fixtures in your bedroom can affect your sleeping cycle? Bright overhead lights, especially blue lights and those with cool tones can alter your body’s response to melatonin production, which generally interferes with your sleep. Instead, replace them with more dimmable ones or bedside lamps that create a softer, cosier atmosphere. Moreover, this type of illumination produces a soothing atmosphere that facilitates relaxation and sleep.

In addition, turn off screens at least an hour before bed, or if necessary, invest in blue light-blocking glasses. You can click here for details on how they work and how they can help. Moreover, you can substitute screen time for reading a book instead.

Exercising routine

Try establishing a simple workout program that is adjustable to your schedule. You can;

  • Do some yoga in the house to ensure proper blood flow.
  • Take some deep, monitored breaths for proper oxygen circulation to the brain.
  • Try jogging and running to work out the body.
  • Start swimming or doing sports activities.

Some of these routines will even help you manage stress, one of the leading causes of lack of sleep. Some techniques, like meditation and simple stretches, can help relax the brain and muscles, promoting proper blood flow.

Change your lifestyle

This does not necessarily mean changing how you behave or act in a social setting, but rather what you eat, drink, or do. If you happen to be a person who consumes drugs and alcohol, you can try limiting the amounts you do. Such substances will alter your brain functionality, making it hard for you to get some sleep.

Additionally, it would be best if you avoided long day naps. Naps are often short, and if you make it a habit, you will program your brain to only sleep for short periods of time, even during the night. Moreover, if you eat heavily, ensure you have your meals at least 3 hours before your sleeping time. This will allow you to balance the energy levels in your body.

Invest in quality sleep

Some mattresses and pillows are so uncomfortable in such a way that you will often wake up exhausted, even after a nice, long sleep. Therefore, getting soft bedding and pillows can relax your body, leading to falling asleep faster. A quality mattress will also allow you to wake up refreshed. Remember, investing in cosy bedding and maintaining a comfy sleep environment to ensure you get the most out of your sleep.

Seek professional help

sleeping on sofa

When is the right time to seek help from medical professionals? Well, as you know, sleeping disorders can be caused by various reasons. Most of these conditions revolve around:

  • Health concerns
  • Psychological issues.
  • Emotional struggles.
  • Physical signals.

If your sleeping disorders are getting out of hand, it’s advisable to see a doctor. They can recommend different measures to help address the issue. Some include aromatherapy, which uses scents such as lavender and chamomile to boost sleep. Sound therapy is where slow, soothing songs and sounds command your body to sleep. Most of the sounds, especially those that mimic rainfall, have a superb effect in doing so.

Quality sleep will dictate how your day will be. If it wasn’t relaxing enough, expect to have a grumpy day, as it has a huge impact on your psychological well-being. On the other hand, if it is of good quality, then you can be productive. With the above tips, you can train your body to fall asleep and wake up easily.

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