Surfin’ good fun at the Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania screening

We don’t usually need much of an excuse to hop on a train to London. I don’t think the boys will ever tire of the train journey.

On Sunday, we were invited to a special screening of Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania at Sony Headquarters in Soho. The movie has just been released on DVD so they organised this event to celebrate.

There aren’t many occasions where the boys can get away with having biscuits and pastries for breakfast but it would have been rude not to try out the items that had been laid on for us that morning.

Surfs Up 2 screening

After breakfast, we headed into the theatre ready to watch the movie.

I don’t recall having watched the first movie but Mr H informed me he’d seen the first movie with the boys. However, you don’t need to have seen the first movie to watch Surfs Up 2 as it can be watched as a standalone.

Surfs Up 2 screening

Surfs Up 2 screening

Surfs Up 2 is an animated movie about a penguin called Cody Maverick, his friends Chicken Joe, Tank and Lani who all compete to join The Hang Five. The Hang Five are an elite surfing team and are voiced by WWE stars John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker, Mr McMahon and Paige.

Mr H is a little bit of a WWE fan so it was great seeing the movie drop in some WWE quotes and music every now and then. The movie was thoroughly enjoyable and made us laugh a good few times.

After the movie, we were treated to some activities. There were Arts & Crafts, Face painting and a Surf Simulator. M was not keen to try the simulator because he didn’t want to take his socks off but E was more than happy to give it a go.

Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania out now on DVD

Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania is now available to buy on DVD. It has some great special features and includes a blooper reel.

If you’re looking for some good surfing fun for the whole family then this is it.

*We were invited to the screening of Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania for the purpose of this post. This post contains affiliate links.

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2 thoughts on “Surfin’ good fun at the Surfs Up 2 – Wavemania screening”

  1. Ahhh wow! Perks of the job huh!

    Looks so much fun. Your boys are adorable too. That surf simulator! I’d love to have tried it. Wasn’t there an option for mummy to have a go! I love nothing better than making a fool of myself lol.


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