Our March: Swimming lessons, a Makeover, WB Studios and a poorly boy

It’s time for our monthly roundup again and to be honest with you the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur! I couldn’t remember what we did and had to take a look back at the photos I’d taken to remind myself. The last part of March was largely focused on E getting better (more on that below) but here’s our roundup for the month.

Swimming lessons

I’ve had the boys names down on a waiting list for swimming for a while now and finally, spaces came available. It was M’s first ever lesson a few weeks back and he did brilliantly! He seems to be a real natural in the water. It does now mean that my Friday’s consist on chauffeuring the boys to and from swimming twice a day until M is old enough to move time slots though.



My mum, sister and I had a really lovely afternoon with a makeover and lunch in the Bentalls Centre. It’s not very often we get to spend time together and it was the perfect way to celebrate my mums birthday.

New phone

I upgraded my phone to an iPhone 7 plus and I LOVE it. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of the camera and with more storage space I don’t need to worry about what apps I need to delete to make room anymore!

WB Studio Tour – The Forbidden Forest

I was very lucky to be one of the first to step into the Forbidden Forest at WB Studios. This was my second visit and I loved the tour even more than the first time. I’ll be writing a full review of the experience soon so do come back and check it out. I think the tour is always going to be one of my happy places! I took my sister along this time and it meant I could properly geek out on everything and not have to worry about the boys getting bored or tearing about the place.


It started off with a tummy bug after we’d been out to London for the day at the screening for Surfs Up 2 but E was really poorly for the last two weeks of March. He was vomiting but once that stopped he started having awful tummy cramps every evening. It turned out he was suffering from constipation and even though he was emptying his bowels, he wasn’t emptying them properly.

I honestly can’t describe how awful it was to see him doubled over in pain every evening for two weeks. We were all exhausted from lack of sleep and felt so helpless. Thankfully, after taking some Movicol amongst other things and changing to a high-fibre diet we saw the light at the end of the tunnel. We’re so relieved he’s better just in time for the Easter holidays.

How was your March – did you have a good month?

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