Supplements that will help you relax in hectic times

The number of referrals for specialist NHS mental health care reached record-breaking heights last year. Whether caused by increased awareness of mental health issues or other factors, it clearly shows people are starved for mental well-being more than ever before. Unfortunately, many individuals do not know where to search for help and what to do when their lives start spiralling out of control.

If you are in a similar situation, do not worry — there is a way out of the conundrum you found yourself in. Besides contacting a mental health specialist, you could try doing breathing exercises, writing down your thoughts, or taking supplements. The latter can be especially beneficial if you barely have time to stop and relax. They are straightforward to use and can start bringing positive results within a few days after implementing them into your diet.

Still, not all supplements are created equal. We have created this article to help you select the right ones for you. Join us as we go through some of the best supplement choices to relax your body and mind!

Vitamin C

Although well-known for its antioxidant properties, vitamin C is also a surprising pick-me-up supplement. According to Brent A. Bauer, M.D. from Mayo Clinic, this vitamin can improve mood and lower anxiety levels in patients. It is an excellent choice if you are looking for some non-invasive way to take your diet to the next level.

Furthermore, taking vitamin C supplements could be beneficial for smokers, as they use it up at a faster rate than nonsmokers. Other than improving the mood and making you less lethargic, taking it may have beneficial effects on your heart and other organs. So, next time you go out to purchase pods & refills for your vape, consider dropping by the pharmacy and getting some vitamin C supplements as well!


Vitamin B12

Another vitamin on our list is B12, which is notoriously deficient among adults. The reason for this state of affairs is pretty simple — the human body does not produce it on its own. Instead, we need to get it from animal-based foods or — keeping up with the theme of this article — supplements.

Vitamin B12 is present in eggs, fish, meat, and poultry. Nonetheless, before reaching for supplements or increasing your intake of this vitamin through other means, it would be wise to see if any of your medications might interfere with its absorption. For instance, numerous proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 Blockers are associated with increased odds of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Lack of vitamin B12 in your diet could make you ill-humoured and unfocused. As a result, you should aim to always keep your B12 levels at normal. Otherwise, you might find yourself having more mood swings than you would like.


When your brain fog becomes unbearable, taking more magnesium might be just what you need. This mineral is present in foods like seeds, spinach, and beans. However, you can also find it in more tasty alternatives, including dark chocolate, bananas, and avocados.

Adequate magnesium levels will help your body work at the top of its capabilities. It plays a significant role in regulating multiple body functions, such as energy production, enzymatic reactions, and blood pressure regulation. On the other hand, low levels of magnesium can cause more stress buildup and make you more susceptible to stressful situations.


Although you might not know it by its name, you have probably already come in contact with this amino acid. L-theanine is naturally found in tea and some mushrooms. It can help you enter a relaxed state, although it is not the full extent of its therapeutic benefits.

Because it is similar to glutamate — a glutamic acid that helps transmit nerve impulses in the brain — it can improve mental function. However, in some instances, it can actually block the effects of glutamate.

Either way, L-theanine is worth adding to your diet. It was proven in many studies to be effective for sleep problems, anxiety, and depression. It can help you reduce stress-related symptoms and gain a more positive outlook on life when used in moderation.


Melatonin — frequently used to treat sleep disorders — is another substance that can offer you much-needed relief from the stress of everyday life. Some healthcare practitioners have already used it to reduce presurgical anxiety with promising results. As such, you might want to consider adding a bit more of it to your daily routine to keep your internal clock on track and fight off stressful thoughts.

Melatonin supplements come in various forms. The most prevalent ways to take it include tablets, capsules, and drops. You can also opt for sublingual pills in three to ten-milligram doses.

As a short-lived hormone, melatonin should produce negligible side effects. However, consider that many melatonin supplements purchased at pharmacies and grocery stores might contain less of this precious compound than advertised. Because of this fact, always ensure you purchase your supplements from a reputable source.



A recent study made by researchers of the Ohio State University found that a daily dose of an omega-3 supplement could help protect against the effects of stress. These fatty acids, usually found in dietary supplements such as fish oil, make the body more resilient, simultaneously lowering the stress hormone cortisol levels and increasing the production of “protective” compounds.

As a result, if you wish to prevent aggression toward others during stressful moments or reduce perceived distress symptoms, consuming more omega-3s might be the way to go about it. It can lower overall inflammation in your body and make you feel much more rejuvenated.


The bottom line

In today’s day and age, dealing with everyday stressors can be challenging. Nevertheless, thanks to recent discoveries and our growing knowledge, we have also uncovered more ways to deal with stress. One of the best ways to bring more peace into your life is by taking supplements.

While you should consult your doctor before adding any new supplements into your diet, substances like vitamins C and B12, magnesium, and melatonin can help put your mind at ease and lower anxiety levels. Whether you suffer from sleep troubles or want to ease depression symptoms, there is a thing on our list that may improve your condition.

With that said, you should never rely solely on supplements to deal with your health issues. Instead, explore all the options available and consult with experts before taking any unnecessary risks. It is your life and well-being at stake, after all.

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