Spooktacularly elegant Halloween decor ideas

There are not too many holidays that emphasise interior décor as much as Halloween does. Fake spiderwebs, glowing ghoulish faces and paper bats are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Halloween décor. Now, while some people prefer making their interiors look like a pumpkin exploded, with the orange colour reigning supreme anywhere you look.

On the other hand, others prefer a more subtle approach. For those people that find special appeal in darker, a bit more subdued and elegant design, we’ve prepared a special treat – coupled with some handy tricks. That said, let’s see how you too can create a spooktacularly elegant Halloween décor in your own home.

Admiring the Adams family

Without a doubt, the famous Adams family were true style icons for some of us. Their dark elegance and unexpected – yet stunning – décor pieces truly left an impact. So, if you too are creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky and you want your interior to show it, here’s how to achieve it. Find a statement décor piece that will be your focal point of the entire design. You can easily find such pieces and some tips about gothic home decor on this website and focus the rest of the décor around them. Additionally, think in terms of black lacy tablecloths and runners, elegant candelabras and big wax candles. This type of décor is great for any interior, and the best part is that it can easily fit in with the regular décor year-round.


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

Though you know you should be wary, you still like to venture someplace scary you can easily use a mirror as your main Halloween décor element. According to some beliefs, mirrors are passages to another realm. That’s why many horror movies and stories usually have at least one haunted mirror in them. To create the illusion, you can print out a ghostly figure on a peel-and-stick transparent foil. Then, stick the foil over your mirror and enjoy the effect you’ve managed to create. To make things even more spooky, add some fake spider web around the mirror frame and even get some face candles and arrange them in front of it.


Let Sanderson sisters put a spell on you

If ghosts and ghouls are not really your aesthetics and you are more enchanted with the idea of witches roaming the night, you can always take your home décor in this direction. If you have a fireplace, make sure you get a nice cauldron to complete the look. If you don’t have a fireplace, you can use the cauldron to create a centrepiece on your table. Of course, don’t forget to hang some cloaks and park some brooms, so that your witch friends know where they can leave their things. Potion bottles, old books and a frog or a raven here or there should also make an appearance in your home. The best part – you can readily DIY the majority of these décor elements.


Have a little nightmare before Christmas

Boys and girls of every age, if you’d like to see something strange you can always take a very different approach to Halloween decorating and use your Christmas tree as the focal point of your décor. On the other hand, you can even take it a step further and get your hands on a black Christmas tree. Use differently coloured ribbons to decorate the tree and hang various Halloween ornaments throughout. For a maximum effect, hang purple and white LED lights and make sure at least some of your Halloween ornaments glow in the dark.

Halloween is the time of the year filled with tender lumplings everywhere. But since life’s no fun without a good scare, make sure you do your part and put together a spooky yet elegant décor this year.

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