
Scooter Fun

I don’t know about anyone else but my boys are always full of energy. From the moment they wake up, to the moment they go to bed, they are constantly on the go. They have both had scooters since they were around 2 years old and it’s been a great way to keep them active and burn energy.

During term time, they scoot to and from school daily. Outside of this, they tend to use their scooters when I need to head to the local shops to pick up bits and pieces. My youngest is a bit of a speed demon on his and I am always having to shout for him not to go too far ahead.

Scooters are a great way to be able to get around quickly and easily but they can also be great fun too.

Halfords have put together this fantastic infographic which not only details the different types of scooters that are available these days but also tips on how to stay safe and tricks to perfect so you can become a real pro at scootering!

I’m pretty sure my little dare devil younger son would happily do wheelies ALL the time if I let him!


*Written in collaboration with Halfords

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