Rewarding children for good behaviour

Once children are a certain age rewarding them for good behaviour generally works a treat, doesn’t it?

“You can have a biscuit for tidying up your toys.”

“You can have that toy you’ve wanted for ages for doing well at school” and so on.

We had previously used a sticker reward chart when E was potty training (a good few years ago now!) and a countdown calendar for his birthday, but when we were asked to review The Reward Box, I was quite excited.

The idea of The Reward Box is much like that of a marble jar – once it’s full, you receive a treat. E is use to the marble jar from school, and just last week, his class filled the jar ten times over, so they were allowed to watch a DVD in the afternoon on the Friday before half term.

When The Reward Box arrived, both the boys were rather excited and asked me straight away what it was. I explained that it was a very special pirate treasure chest that they had to fill up with stars to receive a very special treat. There is also a rather gorgeous Fairy Reward box for girls, which I also love the look of!

Currently, they are aiming to fill up the treasure chest so they can go on an aeroplane to Germany which they are both desperate to do. (we have already booked our long weekend to Hamburg next month)

So far, stars have been handed out for things like good sharing of toys, good listening, not waking up and asking to be tucked in (this one is a real bugbear of mine!) amongst a whole host of other things.

The Reward Box is a lovely sturdy wooden box that is beautifully made and comes with an organza bag of chunky wooden stars, which is great for little hands. I like this take on a reward chart because you can easily reuse it time and time again for different treats.

We are using The Reward Box for a big treat to go on an aeroplane, but you can, of course, use it for anything to suit your own need. From small treats like chocolates or small toys to be able to watch an episode of their favourite TV programme or time on the iPad. We are also planning on using The Reward Box when M is ready to start potty training. There are also lots of reward ideas on their website.

The Reward Box is currently working well with the boys as a team effort to collect as many stars as they can, and they both get very excited when their good behaviour has been rewarded with a star. The Reward Box is sitting in pride of place on top of our sideboard in our dining room where the boys can see it. E loves to open up the chest now and then to count how many stars are already in the chest and working out how many more he needs to be able to go to Germany.

This would also make an ideal gift as you can even have the box personalised. The Reward Box currently retails at £35

NOTE: I was sent The Reward Box in exchange for an honest review of the item. All images and opinions are my own.

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128 thoughts on “Rewarding children for good behaviour”

  1. I really like this! Such a good idea to have rewards other than treats so I like the concept. A bit prices though #KCACOLS

  2. This sounds like a great idea!! I think it is very important to teach our kids to get rewards after finishing a task. I like the box,it is very cute. I would like to get the pink one for my girls! 😉 This is a great review lovely! Thanks so much for joining me at #KCACOLS! I hope you can join me again next week! 🙂 xx

    1. Thanks Franca – you are right it is very important to reward them for good behaviour. Just yesterday I rewarded E with a star because he save some juice for his brother even though I told him he didn’t have to. It was so lovely!

  3. I’ve seen this box around and been thinking of getting one! I think after this i’ll take the plunge now my little one is almost 4 so needs a better incentive to behave :p Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS x


    What an absolutely brilliant idea. I want one for me! I can see how that really does the trick for rewards. I’d be peeping all the time. Nicky #KCACOLS

  5. Oh my goodness, I have never seen anything like this and I really think it’s a fabulous idea! It would male such a nice pressie, too! I love them both in their plain state, or decorated. I think if I had to choose one for my girls, I’d probably go for the Pirate one. I love the fact they’ve also got lots of reward ideas on the site. Fab stuff! #Tried&Tested

  6. This is a brilliant idea – my toddler loves rewards too (chocolate of course) and she’d love being able to put the stars in herself. I loved your example of ‘not taking up’ ha – what I’d do for a lie in!! Mim #ParentingPicks

    1. We love our lie-ins at the weekends but the kids don’t seem to have got the memo! LOL To be fair they are quite good they wake between 7-8am usually so I really can’t complain!

  7. Barbara Jane Shaw

    Wow, I have never seen this idea before and think its great! I foster two small children and they both have quite challenging behaviour and this maybe a strategy that I could use. I would like either one as I have a girl (aged 7) and a boy (aged 5). If I won I would have to buy the other design to keep them both the same

  8. Aw this box looks brilliant! Shame mine are a little too old for it, we use a points system in our house – every point is worth a penny and they get a certain number of points for every job they do around the house or achievement at school etc, works a treat for us 🙂
    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie xx

  9. The Pirate Chest would be fab. My daughter loves pirates and my baby boy will hopefully appreciate when he’s a bit older as well.

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