Reasons to introduce your kids to Golf

Do you love the game of golf? Do you want to introduce your children to this awesome sport, but wonder if it is age-appropriate or even if they will enjoy it? We outlined some reasons for how and when to get started, so keep reading to find out what they are.


1. The benefits of Golf

There are many benefits that come from learning this sport at a young age. Kids who learn golf have better hand-eye coordination and learn patience, perseverance, and dedication. They also increase their focus and concentration skills, which is important in other areas of life such as schoolwork or athletics, especially with all the distractions around them today including social media and video games.  It is also a way for family members to bond through something they enjoy together outside work obligations and household duties. In addition to all this, kids also have the opportunity to learn about goal setting and strategizing before they reach adolescence. There are many in-depth reviews online about golf that you can show your children, too. It is very educational for them to see the rules, etiquette, and history of an activity before starting it.

2. The fun side of Golf

Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages and skill levels. There are many places to play including public, semi-private, and private courses. The cost of golfing varies greatly depending on the type of course you choose, if you go with a group or family outing, it may even be free! Some courses offer discounts for students and juniors (those under 18). For beginning kids without much experience at participating in sports, this may be a great introduction because there is no physical contact between players except for when they give each other putts. For the families who travel, this can be an inexpensive way to stay entertained during long drives because some courses are even located on the side of highways. It doesn’t matter what time of year or where you live either because most courses have well-maintained grass and tee boxes that keep them playable all year round!

3. Age appropriateness

The best time to introduce your children to the game of golf is around 8 years old. According to recent statistics, boys will start playing at this age and girls will follow right behind with their first round of 18 holes about a year later. This may seem early or late for some parents who are used to helping out younger or older children with activities, but if you compare it with how long most kids stick with an activity they enjoy, golf seems like a reasonable choice because most stop playing by the age of 11-12 years old (when they lose interest in group sports).  That means that between ages 8-11 is actually considered prime time for a beginning golfer! By the way, it’s never too late, either. If your kid starts late, they won’t be behind because golf is something that can improve after the first time you tee up. That is why it’s important to try your best to get them started as soon as possible for optimal results.

4. They will love it

Most children love this game because of the challenges they get to enjoy while playing. They feel accomplishment for succeeding at conquering hazards like bunkers, water, and trees. They also learn to strategize by using their clubs more effectively down the course rather than on every hole. This takes time to master, but is one of the most rewarding experiences for any golfer (kids included).  There are many games they can enjoy like “golf ball roulette” or even mini golf that helps them get started on finding success sooner than later. If you want your kids to enjoy physical activity while having fun with the whole family, then this game might be right up their alley. You can also introduce them to the game of golf on a simulator first, then take them out onto the course.

5.  The mental side of Golf

The mental side of golf is probably the most important factor in mastering this game. Kids are able to learn this at an early age and carry it with them into adulthood. This is because golf teaches discipline and persistence, which are two of the most powerful factors in succeeding in life. They may not look like much when young, but these skills can be used to help kids succeed in school if they choose to put their minds to it. It’s also a great activity for teaching teamwork and sportsmanship, so you can expect your children to walk away from this game having learned many valuable lessons that will serve them throughout their lives. Also, children who play golf have more self-discipline than those who don’t.


Golf is a wonderful activity that has no age limit for anyone who wants to give it a try. If you show this game and sport to your kids early, you will have fun with them while watching them grow emotionally and physically through playing and learning. Have fun!

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